630x630 - If the deck is illegal the format text will become red text and an (illegal) text is displayed instead of a price tag.
Original Resolution: 630x630 Vote Thanos 2020 Presidential Election A Small Price To Pay For Salvation Thanos T Shirt Teepublic Here we see thanos from the latest marvel movies saying a small price to pay for salvation. 210x240 - If the user is a tcgplayer affiliate and a content creator it will use that users affiliate code.
Original Resolution: 210x240 A Small Price To Pay For Salvation Meme Guy A small price to pay for salvation. 680x469 - Hovering over cards will display an image and clicking it it will bring the user to the tcgplayer store.
Original Resolution: 680x469 A Small Price To Pay For Salvation Know Your Meme If the user is a tcgplayer affiliate and a content creator it will use that users affiliate code. 3264x3264 - The best things in life are free, but if they're not free they're cheap!
Original Resolution: 3264x3264 A Small Price To Pay For Salvation Memes The best things in life are free, but if they're not free they're cheap! 700x689 - Hovering over cards will display an image and clicking it it will bring the user to the tcgplayer store.
Original Resolution: 700x689 A Small Price To Pay For Salvation Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect spot.