600x641 - A set list, or most commonly setlist, is typically a handwritten or printed document created as an ordered list of songs, jokes, stories and other elements an artist intends to present during a specific performance.
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Original Resolution: 400x698 New Year S Eve Concert Setlist Roundup Glide Magazine Click to stream all the nye shows. 1200x750 - Widespread panic interactive community with both live and archived streaming audio, setlists, downloads, photos, and tour info.
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Original Resolution: 960x960 Panicstream Setlist Widespread Panic Night 1 Facebook Over 2,000 streams of live music performances currently onboard. 600x600 - Over 2,000 streams of live music performances currently onboard.
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Original Resolution: 375x516 Backstreets Com 2014 Setlists Apr Dec The ultimate widespread panic tour resource. 400x291 - Widespread panic fansite featuring streaming audio, live setlists, photos, downloads, and the latest tour info.
Original Resolution: 400x291 Widespread Panic Umphrey S Mcgee October 4 5 2013 Charleston Sc Review Weekend Blitz Today in wsp history (nye). 448x600 - Widespread panic fansite featuring streaming audio, live setlists, photos, downloads, and the latest tour info.
Original Resolution: 448x600 Passive Music Amplifier For Phone Panicstream Widespread panic interactive community with both live and archived streaming audio, setlists, downloads, photos, and tour info.