900x506 - Tomato farmer & league player, the great ratsby www.twitch.tv/ratirl.
Original Resolution: 900x506 Rat Irl Twitch Main Montage Best Twitch Plays League Of Legends Quote me on this.ratirl is human trash. 1280x720 - By mitchiowo | updated on december 30, 2020.
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Original Resolution: 1280x720 Best Of Rat Irl Best Twitch Eu League Of Legends Youtube Why is l9 so famous. 480x272 - Ratirl is a seed league player and you can see all their normal, ranked, competitive, tournament games and replays being streamed here.
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Original Resolution: 900x1200 Simple Business Penguin On Twitter I Can Type Kys Once And Get 2 Weeks Int For 6 Days And Get 2 Key Fragments The highest performing league of legends champions are given an s tier while the remaining champions are ranked from a to d tier.